Primatte Chromakey software is easy and intuitive to use, but its tools do not work like Photoshop. Spend some time with our free training to save yourself time later! Some tutorials show screen grabs of previous versions of Primatte, but the functions and concepts are exactly the same. Primatte 5.1 simply rearranged where some of the buttons are.
The Primatte 5.1 Manual discusses Primatte's tools, functions and concepts. Go here for the Primatte 3.5 manual, go here for the Primatte 3.0 manual and go here for the Primatte 2.0 manual.
The Quickstart Guide gives you a quick step-by-step way of tackling the Primatte Chromakey plugin.
This video walks you step-by-step through creating a mask in Primatte Chromakey 5.0. It's pretty easy to do, especially when you're staring at a pretty model. LEVEL: BASIC
Mike Price of Fairfield Photography takes you through his setup for youth sports photography: shooting to managing photos to keying, and Photoshop touchup. See how a pro is incorporating Primatte into his workflow. LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED
This video explains how to make use of Primatte Chromakey's automated features by tying them into Adobe Photoshop's Actions and Batching. LEVEL: BASIC
This tutorial talks about using Primatte as a Smart Filter, which is a function available in Photoshop CS3 and later. The Smart Filter function makes your Primatte effect more editable after the initial work session. LEVEL: BASIC
First, we mask our subject with the same three-step process as before. Then we remove color spill from around the model's hair by experimenting with four different Spill Removal tools. LEVEL: BASIC
Primatte Chromakey does a great job of getting rid of color spill that is generated from your studioo lighting. But Primatte can't always get every bit of unwanted color, especially if the source image wasn't photographed properly. This short tutorial explains how to eliminate those last remnants using Photoshop's painting tools. LEVEL: MEDIUM
Our Photoshop Merge doc will walk you through the process. LEVEL: BASIC
A tutorial about the Primatte plugin's ability to deal with difficult semi-transparent areas. First, we use a garbage matte to smooth out a bad screen. Then we demonstrate finding the 'sweet spot' in your photo to create a good mask. In the process, we discuss previewing your mask against multiple backgrounds and workarounds for uneven lighting during your photography session. This was originally recorded for LEVEL: MEDIUM
This photograph is unusually complex and requires some Photoshop work. Why? The blue screen behind our model has a problematic 'hot spot' created during the photo session. We solve this problem by creating a 'garbage matte' in Photoshop. Then we mask the subject in two halves; remove color spill; and touch up the mask after it renders. LEVEL: ADVANCED
This tutorial covers touchup methods both in and outside of Primatte. The 'Make Transparent' tool in Primatte is great for removing color spill along soft edges. We use the 'History Brush' in Photoshop to combat some pesky color spill. Last, we use the Photoshop 'Eraser' to get rid of digital noise.This was originally recorded for LEVEL: ADVANCED
In this tutorial we show magazine templates from and how to use Primatte to mask out the subject and incorporate it into the template. We also use some of Photobacks cool backgrounds. It's a great example of creating vanity magazines either for a kiosk type installation (mall, amusement park) or as a fun add on for portrait photography. LEVEL: BASIC
Interested in saving Primatte's mask so you can do additional editing? This tutorial explains how to use Primatte's grayscale preview to create an Alpha Channel and Layer Mask in Photoshop. LEVEL: MEDIUM
A shadow cast during a photography session usually doesn't look real in a composite. But once the person/object is digitally inserted against a new background, you can easily recreate a shadow in Photoshop. This tutorial explains how to do it. LEVEL: BASIC
After you have used Primatte Chromakey to isolate your model, you will place her in front of a new background. To do this properly, you may need to simulate the line of a floor or vanishing point. In our tutorial, we show you how to do this in Photoshop AFTER Primatte. A background created with our Photoshop plugin Backdrop Designer is used as the example. LEVEL: BASIC