Transcriptionists are about to go the way of the Scribe

The printing press brought about a revolution in how periodicals are printed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is about to do the same for transcripts. Since the dawn of television, the transcribing problem has always been the same story. It's slow, it’s expensive and it’s prone to human error.

AI is about to change that. How? By creating accurate transcripts quickly and economically.

Transcriptive Search function on transcripts

Need to find where something was said in your video? Easily search the transcript and jump to that point in your video.

With Transcriptive being fully integrated into Adobe Premiere, you can now search the audio using text as if you were using Google. Whether it’s in a sequence or a clip, simply type in the word or phrase you’re looking for and find it. Don’t know where in the hour long video your talent said that funny quip? No worries, just use this amazing tool and search for the phrase. Perfect for working on documentaries, news or even that never ending cache of video clips! With Transcriptive, you can find it expeditiously.

Transcriptive is low cost, and just pennies for a minute of transcribing

Get Accurate Transcripts in Minutes for Pennies

Pressed on time? Transcribe 60 minutes of video in 10 minutes for under $4.00. It’s easy, fast and [best of all] economical. There are two great choices when it comes to having your speech converted to text.

First, Speechmatics has up to a 95% accuracy rate and works well even on noisy audio. It’s priced at $0.07 a minute. The second choice is Watson, which is a little less accurate but you get 1000 minutes (over 16 hours!) of FREE transcriptions per month. It’s only $0.02 a minute, after you go through your free minutes.

Transcriptive's accuracy makes it easy to create subtitles or captions for videos

Captions, subtitles and more

The accuracy of Transcriptive makes it easy to create captions or subtitles to meet legal requirements or to enhance your search engine rankings via metadata on YouTube (or any other online platforms). There’s no longer an excuse for not having subtitles. The accuracy and the low cost makes it possible for any video editor or producer to easily add captions to all their projects.
